Based in Hamburg, GFA Consulting Group is one of the leading European consulting firms active in development cooperation. GFA has implemented more than 3000 complex studies and projects worldwide since 1982. Leading development agencies, ministries and public clients have entrusted GFA with the management of projects financed through bilateral and multilateral funds. Working in cooperation with stakeholders in government, the private sector, NGOs and citizens’ groups, GFA balances innovation and reliability to meet local needs. Our vision is to improve the living conditions of humans worldwide by promoting sustainable development. GFA’s project management is ISO 9001/2008 certified and therefore has highly standardized procedures for project management.
The health department is assisting partner countries in their specific health sector reforms and efforts to build resilient health systems through consulting services. The majority of the consulting services GFA provides in the health sector aim to improve the quality, accessibility and affordability as well as efficiency of health care provision and to strengthen public health efforts of partner countries. The consulting services comprise technical advice, a wide spectrum of capacity development measures including digital learning, organizational development and institutional strengthening and the support to and facilitation of policy and legal reform.
The health department is staffed with a multi-disciplinary team of internationally experienced consultants. GFA consultants work as project managers and technical advisors to multi-year and complex health system reform processes. The consultants come from a variety of professional backgrounds: medicine, nursing, biology, social sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, health economics and epidemiology and are united through a post-graduate study in international, global or public health. To complement in-house skills, the department contracts national, regional and international experts as needed. The health department manages projects contracted by the German Development Bank (KfW), Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), GIZ, the European Union, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Global Fund and the Global Vaccine Alliance (Gavi).