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TDI 2023 | 19-20 Jun 2023

Der Tag der Industrie ist die Zukunftskonferenz des BDI mit Impulsen aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Der #TDI23 findet am 19. und 20. Juni 2023 als Hybridevent in der Verti Music Hall Berlin statt.

World Class Digital Health 2023 | 6. – 7. Jul 2023

Der Wille, Krankenhäuser und Kliniken in das digitale Zeitalter zu leiten, auch vor dem Hintergrund des Krankenhauszukunftsgesetzes (KHZG), ist groß. Jedoch werden die Einrichtungen im Moment mit erheblichen Herausforderungen konfrontiert.

World Sepsis Day Event 2023 | 12 Sep 2023

The recent commitment by G7 health ministers to "advance the implementation of the WHA resolution" and "intensify efforts to strengthen early detection, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis and ensure synergies with antimicrobial stewardship programmes and IPC" is another historic milestone in the fight against these global health threats.

1st annual SORMAS Conference | 18 – 19 Oct 2023

The conference will include keynote speakers and panellists from the areas of PPR and open source, country SORMAS presentations and unconference sessions for the participants to discuss topics that are relevant to them and the SORMAS community.

2nd German-Uzbek Health Forum | 19 April 2024

Conference Center of the German Federal Ministry of Health Mauerstrasse 27, Berlin, Deutschland

The 2nd German-Uzbek Health Forum is fostering cooperation among academics, policymakers, and industry leaders to advance healthcare through academic exchange, policy discussions, and industry engagement.