SentryConnect Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Interface
Diagnostic-Equipment-Instruments-Devices, Hospital-General Supplies-Infrastructure, und Laboratory-EquipmentThe SentryConnect Connectivity Solution from Vyaire integrates information from across our diagnostic devices, linking your Pulmonary Function Labs, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Labs and Sleep Labs to your HIS through one unique and secure gateway.
SentryConnect helps you get accurate, fast and readily retrievable information, so you can quickly assess a patient’s health by diagnostic test results and to prescribe the most appropriate plan of care.
Features & Benefits
- Full and flexible support for HL7 standards (ADT, orders) as well as DICOM MWL
- Modules for advanced tasks like billing or quality control
- Comprehensive monitoring and alert functionality
- Interface to active directory services
- Separation of concerns through virtualized layered backend design
- High performance based on modern web service technology