
Laboratory-Equipment und Testing

Sebia CAPILLARYS 3 DBS is the latest generation device for neonatal hemoglobin screening and offers an efficient workflow and high-quality analysis.

CAPILLARYS 3 DBS is a fully automated capillary electrophoresis device with 12 capillaries for electrophoretic separations at high sample throughput.

CAPILLARYS 3 DBS enables sample processing from microtiter plates and offers automated electrophoretic separation of dried blood samples (punched from filter paper cards) up to the final result: sample identification, sample dilution, sample incubation, capillary washing, sample injection into the capillaries, migration, detection, processing of the results and transfer to software and laboratory EDP.

The device is specifically designed for laboratories performing hemoglobinopathy screening in newborns. It offers full traceability of samples and reagents, high quality results and high sample throughput with minimal user involvement.

Test portfolio:

  • Newborn Screening Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)


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