Construction Management

Hospital planning, Hospital-General Supplies-Infrastructure, und SustainabilityOur services range from consulting, project development in all service phases ofthe HOAI including cost control and construction management and also asgeneral planner. The exact determination of the costs and the adherence to thecost framework in the construction execution by our cost management are basicrequirements of our work. The planning and construction period is based on professional schedules, which are set up and monitored by our experiencedproject management. At Gerber Architekten, quality assurance within the scopeof the preparation of specifications includes, among other things, themaintenance of checklists, which bundle all tender-relevant information in a trade. Since the experience of all construction sites is included in this list asfeedback, the risk of supplementary work can be considerably reduced in thecourse of the tendering process. Our project management and constructionmanagement also supervise the projects during the construction phase, thusensuring quality assurance throughout. To this end, we use the latesttechnologies and planning tools to create construction site logs and sitedocumentation.