German Biotech Days (DBT*)

BIO Deutschland e.V.

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Biotechnology und Seminars and Events

Germany’s largest biotech event, the German Biotech Days (DBT *) are an annual conference format that takes place at different biotech hubs throughout Germany.

The DBT brings together entrepreneurs with scientists and partners from politics, funding institutions and administration. The two-day program will highlight the diverse fields of application and potential of biotechnology, from health research to the bioeconomy. The event offers a great mix of presentations and panel discussions, a varied industry exhibition, a networking reception and, above all, plenty of time to get to know each other, exchange ideas and to be inspired.

The German Biotechnology Days are jointly organized by BIO Deutschland and the Council of German BioRegions.

For more information please visit:

* DBT is the acronym for the German name of the German Biotech Days “Deutsche Biotechnologietage” (registered trademark).

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