Jaundice Meter JM-105 for Non-Invasive Jaundice Screening
We support your clinical staff with gentle, non-invasive procedures for early detection of bilirubin and for the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in newborn babies. At-risk neonatal patients in your hospital can be identified early on, with minimal stress to the baby and parents alike, helping to reduce readmission rates.
The Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105 gives your care staff consistent quality screening, cost-effectively delivered over the lifetime of the device. As a result, you optimise the efficiency of your hospital’s jaundice management program, which can help save time and money while delivering an exceptional standard of care.
Learn more about Dräger JM-105: https://www.draeger.com/en_uk/Products/Jaundice-Meter-JM-105