SIMone™ Birthing Simulator

3B Scientific GmbH

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Educational-Training-Equipment-Service Solutions, Gynecology, und Health Care-General Supplies

Simulate high-stress situations with the award-winning P80 SIMone™ birthing simulator!

SIMone™ is a model of a female abdomen with a vulva and the spina ischiadica as landmarks. Inside the simulator is a fetal head with the sagittal suture and fontanelle for determining the position and approach of the head.  The touchscreen monitor displays an exact image of the position and rotation of the fetal head within the maternal pelvis. 3B Scientific’s monitoring software provides information on the progress of the birth and allows training in intervention both through the use of medication and the use of vacuum or forceps.

SIMone™ also trains students in:

  • Recognizing the right moment to select a vaginal assisted delivery
  • Correct handling of medical instruments for delivery
  • Assessing position of fetal head in relation to the maternal pelvis
  • Labor management using a partogram
  • Medication administration to achieve progress during delivery
  • Interpreting fetal heartbeat and uterin contraction through a CTG
  • Interpreting respiratory sounds
  • Interpreting the sounds of pain experienced by the mother

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