Stabimed® – Disinfectant

B. Braun SE

Produkt anfragen




  • For manual disinfection and preparation of surgical instruments, rigid and flexible endoscopes and thermostable products
  • Active against bacteria, mycobacteria (M. terrae), fungi, enveloped and non-enveloped viruses (incl. HBV, HCV, HIV)
  • Good blood- and secretions dissolving properties
  • Tested in vitro and under simulated practical conditions (DGHM methods), acc. prEM 13727, EN 13624, EN 13348, prEN 14561, prEN 14562 (C. albican), prEN 14563 (M. terrae)
  • Active ingredients: 20 g cocopropylendiamine per 100 g solution


  • May also be used in ultrasonic baths
  • Free of aldehyde, phenol, guanidinum and quaternary ammonium compounds
  • Low working concentrations: 2% for 15 minutes, 1% for 30 minutes, 0.5% for 1 hour

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