Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Unternehmen / Organisation
Lufthansa has established itself as a state-of-the-art medical transport provider. A growing number of passengers availed of LH’s unique Medical product portfolio. Lufthansa offers besides Oxygen and Stretcher, the unique Patient Transport Compartment and is the only airline worldwide with such a medical facility that can be installed onboard of a Lufthansa flight and offers competitive service being up to 50% faster than an ambulance jet. Lufthansa has a professional Medical Operation Center being available 7/7 and offers a special “Doctor onboard” program. To support Medical actions in case of an emergency, Lufthansa is the first airline in the world to equip all long-haul aircrafts with a mobile ECG system. Lufthansa is collaborating with an international Medical escort service, where our passengers can book a nurse or a doctor accompanying them on their trip.