KfW Bankengruppe

KfW Bankengruppe

Palmengartenstr. 5-9
60325 Frankfurt a. M.



Dr. Marlis Sieburger

T: +49 69 7431 3575

Fax: +49 69 7431 2944

E-Mail: marlis.sieburger@kfw.de

Unternehmen / Organisation


KfW has been helping the German Federal Government achieve its goals with respect to development policy and international cooperation for over 50 years. Our role in the field of German development cooperation is that of an experienced bank and an institution specialising in development policy. On behalf of the German Federal Government, primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the European Union (EU) we promote and support programmes and projects that mainly involve state actors in developing and emerging economies – from their conception and execution through to monitoring their success. In 2018 we committed EUR 8.7 billion worldwide to 371 new projects and programmes. We finance investments and reform programmes in a range of sectors including health, education, water supply, energy and financial system development.

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