ICU bed Sicuro tera
The Sicuro tera is an intelligent, easy-to-operate bed with numerous attachment options for accessories. In tense situations it offers effective support.
During anamnesis and therapy planning in the ICU it is important to determine the relevant data of the patient quickly and accurately. Here, the Sicuro tera assists the nursing staff. Its optional integrated scale determines the patient’s weight to the nearest 200 grams. Treatment can progress unhindered and the appropriate medication can be determined without any time-consuming weighing procedures or rough estimations.
Also, the lateral tilting capability of the Sicuro tera allows ideal positioning of the patient. Turning a patient in bed is one of the most strenuous and time-consuming tasks in the hospital – especially when numerous tubes and cables have to be attended to in the process. The strength and effort required here can be considerably reduced by laterally tilting the mattress base. Nursing staff can work in a more back-friendly and efficient way.
The Protega plastic safety side can be operated with one hand and is based on the internationally preferred design for hospital beds. It is the only model of its kind that is also machine-washable. The entire Sicuro tera is designed for automatic reprocessing, as standard.