GHA – The International Voice of German Health Foren VERANSTALTUNGEN UND DELEGATIONSREISEN Ausland Innovative Cancer Diagnostics Project in Kumasi, Ghana

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  • #48240
    Alexander BoxlerAlexander Boxler

    Dear GHA member,

    the GHA has recently been in contact with the C/Can network. We would like to inform you in the following mail about the project in Kumasi, Ghana:

    The new project in Kumasi is supported by the Deutsch Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), on behalf of the Bundesministerin für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), and conducted by the Geneva-based City Cancer Challenge Foundation C/Can Founded in 2017, C/Can supports cities in low- and middle-income countries around the world as they work to improve access to equitable, quality cancer care through a systematic health systems strengthening approach. See the C/Can summary attached.

    Among many other activities, C/Can has been working with local stakeholders and global partners to support cities across the C/Can network to understand and address long-standing barriers to quality cancer diagnostics. C/Can and its partners have made encouraging strides – implementing 12 projects in 7 cities to strengthen pathology and nuclear imaging services – but there is still much work to be done.

    To accelerate progress, GIZ is very pleased to be supporting a new C/CAN-led initiative in Kumasi: “Strengthening Health System Capacity to Meet Local Needs,” with a focus on improving patient access to timely, accurate cancer diagnostics. This project encompasses four work packages to improve cancer diagnostics:

    1. Strengthening delivery of healthcare services, with a particular focus on imaging, diagnostic pathology and laboratory services, and information technology
    2. Strengthening the training and availability of health workforces
    3. Improving the availability of essential health technologies
    4. Building an ecosystem of global and local private, civil society and public sector organisations that will collaborate to develop innovative solutions for ensuring timely and accurate cancer diagnosis

    As a key next step, we are working with C/Can to organize a “Diagnostics Co-Creation Sprint” for Kumasi that will take place (both in Kumasi and online) this coming 17 and 18 March. This event will include global and local stakeholders with relevant expertise who are keen to address the following challenges:

    1. How to leapfrog ahead to implement laboratory Quality Improvement practices for cancer through locally-tailored solutions
    2. How to accelerate equitable access to PET imaging and nuclear medicine for Ghana and the Ashanti region
    3. How to establish a world-class local preventive and breakdown system for machines and equipment in laboratories and medical imaging centers
    Preliminary details of the event are provided in the attached document. I also encourage you to hear directly from city experts in Kumasi in this short video on why this initiative matters so much.

    If your organization has expertise in these areas, and is eager to make an active contribution toward improving cancer diagnostics in Kumasi and the surrounding region, we would like to hear from you.

    If you are interested in learning more, please let us know ( so we can put you in touch with the C/Can team.

    Sarah Tietz
    Bereich Sektor- und Globalvorhaben
    Coalition for Health

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    Reichpietschufer 20
    10785 Berlin


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    Alexander BoxlerAlexander Boxler

    Update: The person in charge at GIZ has changed at short notice. If you are interested, please get in touch with:

    Bettina Boesl
    Sektorvorhaben Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft
    G130 – Abteilung Wirtschaft, Soziales, Digitalisierung

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für
    Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
    65760 Eschborn

    T +49 6196 79-7177
    M +49 152 90012143

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