Lade Veranstaltungen

Ghana: Delegationsreise | 6. Dezember – 10. Dezember 2021

6. Dezember 2021 - 10. Dezember 2021

Die AHK Ghana und die GIZ veranstalten eine Delegationsreise nach Ghana im Rahmen der Coalition for Health vom 6. bis 10. Dezember 2021:

The trip will support the overall objective of the Coalition for Health (C4H) which is building strategic initiatives in the first C4H partner country Ghana. Currently, the workstreams and projects implemented in Ghana focus on (1) Non-communicable diseases (NCDs); (2) Infectious diseases with focus on pandemic management; (3) Medicine & medical devices; (4) Health facilities (including infrastructure); (5) Digital health / e-health / research; (6) Training and education.

Participants of this trip to Ghana will have the opportunity to

  • get a first-hand impression of the Ghanaian health sector and investment opportunities;
  • foster business partnerships in the country and form development partnerships supported by BMZ/GIZ;
  • create a platform for exchange and networking between Ghanaian and C4H actors within the field of healthcare.


Um die Planung dieser Reise voranzutreiben, benötigen wir Ihre Interessensbekundung zur Teilnahme wenn möglich bis Freitag, 17. September.


Die Delegationsreise nach Ghana ist vorerst auf Mitte 2022 verschoben.



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6. Dezember 2021
10. Dezember 2021