Health Service Delivery and Support for the Catastrophes and Complex Emergencies in the next Decade
There are only two months left until our 10th DiMiMED Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine will take place during MEDICA Trade Fair in Duesseldorf, Germany on 14 & 15 November 2022.
We are very glad to welcome about 250 military experts from more then 30 nations at this year´s DiMiMED. They will spend two days for exciting discussions on upcoming tasks, challenges and experiences in military medicine.
For example highranking speakers liked listed below confirmed a lecture:
(more information/a short insight about the program on
- Opening Speech
Gen. Dr. Bernd Mattiesen, M.A.
Director, Military Medical Science and Medical Service Capability Development, and Deputy Commandant, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Munich - Keynote
Terry M. Rauch, PhD, MPH, MBA
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Readiness Policy & Oversight, The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (USA) - „Experience of endovideosurgical operations in the management of injuried with combat abdominal trauma“
Col Konstantyn Gumeniuk, MD, PhD
Surgeon General of Ukrainian Armed Forces - „Medical Chemical Defence: on-site diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for nerve agent and opioid exposure“
LTC (Dr) Timo Wille
Bundeswehr Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Munich, Germany
Please find the DiMiMED-Registration on our website: