Preparatory Meeting for the 3rd German – East European Healthcare Forum on July 8, 2020

Wednesday, 8. July 2020, 09:30 Uhr

Wednesday, 8. July 2020, 10:00 Uhr


The German-East European Healthcare Forum, organised by the German Eastern Business Association and the German Health Alliance, brings together high-ranking political and business decision makers from Germany and Eastern Europe for first-hand information exchange and networking. The third Edition of the Forum, Official Side Event of the World Health Summit, dwells on systemic cooperation, resilience building and innovation transfer in the field of e-health and oncology focusing on the Russian and the EAEU market.

The preparatory meeting aims at finalising the agenda of the German – East European Healthcare Forum and will be held via Microsoft Teams. We kindly invite you to discuss the final agenda and would be very greatful for your feedback and active participation. We would be equally delighted to receive your agenda points on both topics and speakers beforehand.


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An Microsoft Teams-Besprechung teilnehmen
+49 69 667737619   Germany, Frankfurt am Main (Gebührenpflichtig)
Konferenz-ID: 606 489 695#

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