Köln/Lwiwi. Der dritte Kriegswinter in der Ukraine droht besonders hart zu werden. Die Temperaturen sind bereits deutlich gesunken. Viele Häuser haben nach bald drei Jahren Krieg keine funktionierenden Heizungen mehr und die Fenster sind zerstört. Das Stromnetz ist heftigen Angriffen ausgesetzt. Lisa Schönmeier, Leiterin der Ukraineabteilung von Malteser International, sagt: „In den vergangenen Tagen haben die Angriffe deutlich zugenommen. Wichtig ist es zu Beginn des Winters, die Menschen im Hinblick auf die weiter sinkenden Temperaturen zu unterstützen. Wir beginnen über unsere verschiedenen lokalen Partnerorganisationen, sogenannte Winter-Kits zu verteilen, also Heizmaterial, Decken, Thermoskannen und Taschenlampen. In den Evakuierungszentren werden wir in den kommenden Monaten Essen für ältere Menschen und Menschen mit Behinderungen ausgeben.”
Cologne/Lviv. The third winter of war in Ukraine threatens to be particularly harsh for the population. Temperatures have already dropped significantly. After almost three years of war, many houses no longer have functioning heating systems and windows have been destroyed. The power grid is under heavy attack. “Attacks on Ukraine have increased distinctly in recent days. It is important now, at the beginning of winter, to support people while temperatures continue to fall. We are now starting to distribute so-called winter kits, i.e. heating material, blankets, thermos flasks and flashlights, through our various local partner organizations. In the coming months, we plan to distribute food for the elderly and for people with disabilities in the evacuation centers,” says Lisa Schönmeier, Head of Malteser International’s Ukraine Department.
In addition, Malteser International staff distribute hygiene products and provide psychological support. “For the more than 80,000 people we are reaching, our support is also important psychologically – especially in the eastern regions such as Sumy and Kharkiv, where the attacks currently continue to increase. They see that we are still by their side, that we do not leave them alone.”
Malteser International has been supporting people in Ukraine since 2015. Initially with a focus on psychosocial services. In 2022, the aid was expanded.
Malteser International (MI) works as an international humanitarian aid organization. It is an aid organization of the Catholic Order of Malta and particularly fulfills the order’s mission of “helping those in need”. The mission is to improve the health and living conditions of suffering and displaced people worldwide. The organization provides aid to people in need in over 140 projects in 37 countries, regardless of religion, political conviction, origin or gender. Christian values and the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence form the basis of its work. For further information please visit: www.malteser-international.org/en
The people in Ukraine are in urgent need of donations.
Malteser Hilfsdienst e. V.
IBAN: DE10 3706 0120 1201 2000 12
Keyword: “Ukraine”
Malteser International is a member of “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” and is urgently calling for donations for the people in Ukraine:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V.:
Account IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30
Keyword: “Ukraine”