It is not always easy for hospitals and care facilities to implement measures for workplace health promotion (BGM). The “Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V.” (vdek), OptiMedis AG and the German Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Care Facilities (DNGfK) would like to support them in this process and have concluded a cooperation agreement on the “Development and piloting of a BGM training system”. To this end, a structured series of seminars on the implementation of occupational health management (BGM) is being developed, which will then be piloted in up to 20 hospitals and/or (partially) inpatient care facilities.
The content of the training series will address the following questions, for example: What operational framework conditions must be created for successful occupational health management? And how can employees be taught to adopt a healthy work and lifestyle style? Healthy leadership will also be a topic.
The free qualification will start in March 2021 with a kick-off event. Interested care facilities or hospitals can already register without obligation for further information under this link. You will then be informed in time about the specific dates, details of the content and the opportunity to register.
Workplace health promotion important – not only in Corona times
“The Corona pandemic has once again shown us how important it is to support and protect employees in healthcare facilities to ultimately ensure patient care. Workplace health promotion plays an important role in this. The health insurance funds want to support hospitals and care facilities in this,” says Ulrike Elsner, chairwoman of the vdek board.
Dr. Oliver Gröne, deputy chairman of the board at OptiMedis, says: “We will combine innovative methods of quality improvement with a focus on workplace health promotion. In doing so, we will use a blended learning approach, combining classroom training and e-learning.”
The target group for the training series is employees in acute hospitals and (partially) inpatient care facilities who would like to be qualified in topics related to holistic and structured occupational health management. “Many houses and mechanisms will get new impulses for the health promotion by the advanced training series and learn not only in theory, but also concretely experienced, how they can convert BGM lastingly, explain Dipl. Med. Olaf Haberecht, chairman of the board of the DNGfK.
Picture: ©vdek/Georg J. Lopata