Die GHA wurde von Ambikamel bezüglich eines Integrated Hospital Center (CHI) kontaktiert und gebeten unsere Mitglieder zu informieren:

The project includes:

  1. Investors, but must of it might be solved in a medium term;
  2. recruitment of specialized people and training
  3. setting up the university + professors
  4. setting up de pharmaceutical plant (+ investors)

For more details please contact:

António Santos | Partner

(+351) 910 587 323 | (+244) 992 335 662 | antonio.santos@ambikamel.com | info@ambikamel.com

Ambikamel – Investimentos e Participações, SA

Rua AL 19, Edifício Mui-Boma, 1º, 103/104, Luanda Sul – Angola

2019 11 19 Key notes IHC project