Prontosan® Wound Gel X

B. Braun SE

Product Keywords

Health Care-General Supplies, Therapy-Equipment-Instruments-Commodities
  • Ready-to-use colourless gel for the physical cleansing, moisturizing and decontamination of acute, chronic, thermal, chemical and radiation-induced wounds.
  • It is applied to the wound or filled into the wound cavities or wound pockets.
  • It stays on the wound until the next dressing change and keeps the surface of the wound continuously moist. Coatings are then gently released and removed with the next dressing change, trauma and pain during dressing removal can be minimized.
    With this, it helps to create good preconditions for natural healing of the wound.
  • Absorbs wound odours
  • Sterile Gel
  • Can be used up to 8 weeks after first opening


  • Easy and simple to use
  • Well-known substances with low allergenic potential
  • No risk of further contamination of wounds
  • Compatible with commonly used wound dressings
  • Clinically approved


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