The new Standards for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services are online. Produced by the International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH), the development process was led by OptiMedis together with international experts and expanded on the 2006 Standards. The aim of the standards is to make HPH’s vision of health-promoting, sustainable care and operations accessible to as many people as possible and to promote implementation in hospitals and health care facilities.
Translation into other languages
Levels of interest are so high that there are already plans for, and translations have taken place into German, French, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese. HPH will also develop a global e-learning platform.
The standards describe, among other things, leadership responsibility for health promotion, better access to health services, patient-centered care that considers comprehensive health information, and shared decision-making and support for self-management. They further describe requirements for a health-promoting workplace and call for greater sustainability, both in terms of the long-term outcomes of clinical interventions and the environmental impact of hospitals.
Photo: OptiMedis
The English version of the new HPH Standards.